Recent Reflections

Always the student, here’s the latest lesson in my ever-deepening exploration of love.

Morning practices are a fantastic way to set the tone for your day. Simple is best. However, the nuances of simplicity invite reflection for me. As the observer of my life and spiritual routines, there’s always more to unpack and process.

In late December, I noticed an unconscious pattern of sending more love to others than myself during my morning practice. Even though Reiki is a constant throughout the entire practice and might be enough self-love to some, looking more closely, the lack of conscious focus caught me by surprise.

One component of my prayers is appreciating and thanking my teachers. This segment of mentors includes humans, Earth Mother, all forms of life, seasons, and the cosmos. What was missing was my physical body. Recognizing discomfort, ailments, or pain as teachers wasn’t new, but it now took on a new meaning.

Loving a bum knee or arthritic joints may seem like a stretch, but there are teaching moments to glean from loving all of one’s self in whatever state one is in.

The next question becomes, how can one love all the segments of self beyond the physical? From internal dialogue to other habits one wants to change, can one love their way through something instead of forcing transformation? Perhaps.

If loving a stubborn habit feels out of alignment, how about respecting a pattern that once served? Transitioning from respect to appreciation to love might be more reasonable.

Where can you be more loving towards yourself, your thoughts, or processes? Forget timeliness; the universe works on its schedule. If you’re waiting for a convenient time, your best bet is to schedule it.

Holding space, you embody the highest vibration of love and compassion for you and your journey.

Many blessings,

Mountain Flower


Have you ever noticed some days, you can eat but still feel hungry or want more, but even after consuming, you still aren’t fulfilled? I saw this insatiable desire dilemma with Christmas cookies. These are the cookies I grew up with; my son loves them and expects them. Last week, when I made them, they tasted different to me. To make shortbread as healthy as possible, I used organic flour, eggs, and powdered sugar with grass-fed butter and minimized the candied cherries.

A few reasons these cookies aren’t as appealing could be: my taste buds have changed, my body is warning me about the inflammation wheat causes, I know the cherries got preserved with toxic chemicals, or it’s a test of listening to the whispers of “highest good.” No matter how many cookies or how much dough I ate, there was still a longing. Thank goodness I’ve had the wherewithal to consume them sparingly.

This longing phenomenon also happens when I don’t get enough protein; I’m insatiated. It’s most common when I don’t focus enough on what best fuels my body. Seeing this pattern invited reflection on 2024 and the theme of fullness versus nourishment.

2024 has been an incredible year on many fronts! My sincere thanks to you for being part of that growth and sacredness. My schedule was undoubtedly full. With a fullness of heart, what I neglected to make time for was physical nourishment. As much as my soul gets fed when facilitating, my body requires different practices for recuperation and longevity. Fullness didn’t guarantee nourishment. My daily practice has supported me thus far, but more is necessary.

For the remainder of this year, while you enjoy meaningful exchanges with others or your higher power, consider asking your body what it wants to sustain. It could be one less cookie, one more meditation, one less drama, one more hug.

2025 will be another one for the record books on dozens of fronts; we must be ready to receive all the wonder and process the evolution gracefully.

Love, light, and abundant blessings,

Mountain Flower

When overall sensitivities increase, processing “more” can make what was once comfortable feel very different. Wires can cross, memories get blocked, and vulnerability can reach an all-time high. How can you rise above the frequencies attempting to corrupt your thoughts? What works for me might be helpful; however, I encourage you to sit with what best serves you before the need arises.

Lately, I find it incredibly challenging to tune out or overlook the energetic projections of untidy or unfinished things. I feel a pile of papers, a layer of dust, or any less-than-beautiful area inside or outside my home gnawing at my well-being. 

Interject divine timing – the birds just began singing! 

If you’re more tired than usual, it could be an unconscious response to the energetic effort it takes to tune out people’s reactions or the overall energy percolating from the election.  

When fatigue sets in, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole, get defensive, or get angry. Contending with anger arose in Sunday’s workshop, Detachment From Outcome: what to do with anger when it surfaces.

Changing your state is paramount. Whether through grounding in the grass, hugging a tree, or physical activity, allowing the anger to fester will impact your body if left unattended. I’ve had moments of profound creativity when I could pivot the emotion and trust something positive could come out of the pent-up energy!

After swimming the last few days through the vibes of frustration, neutrality, and peace, I remembered something else: increased cortisol levels from low vibrational states rob you of precious chi. It’s exhausting to sway from one extreme to another.

Could I have done something different with my morning practice? Perhaps. Could I have grounded more? Always. Did I learn from the experiences? Yes, I remembered that compassion lives within me regardless of what attempts to hide it. Selfish as it may seem, remembering to have self-compassion outweighs compassion for others when wrestling with internal dialogue.

Parts of the last few days felt like early August when I began writing Keep It Clean. As you recognize your contribution to holding the light, every ounce of resistance invites you to shift your practices and heal what unfolds.

Here’s to peeling back what attempts to hide your light!

Mountain Flower

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